How do I pay if I don't have a credit card?

We dont accept any other form of payment besides credit cards, linked debit cards, G-Pay and Apple Pay

Can I get HIV from a massage?

1. HIV cannot be transmitted from a towel or any other object. HIV can only be transmitted from an HIV Positive person. The HIV Virus must directly enter your bloodstream.

2. If the masseur did have HIV, you are not at risk. Massage contact with someone who is HIV positive is not a risk.

3. The HIV Virus cannot be transmitted from massage oil.

Subscriptions - Hiding vs Pausing your profile.

"Hidden" and "Paused" are not the same thing.

With Paused, NO tokens are being used and your profile is hidden.
Good if you need to hide your profile for more than one day.

With Hidden, your profile is not shown but tokens are deducted as normal.
Good if you need to hide your profile for a few hours or if you want to update your profile.
How do I verify my credentials?

Please post all new certificates along with ID through your account page.

To submit credentials :


1. Add the name of your credential and save it.
2. Use the upload icon to upload an image of the certificate and your ID (on one photo).
Advertising in Queensland

Queensland has strict laws for advertising sensual massage

For instance it is illegal to use the word 'massage' or advertise for 4 hand work. You must clearly state 'non-sexual'

Please review the following document before constructing your description for use on your profile to keep within the law.

pla qld pdf
I'm a masseur. How do I verify my photos?

The idea behind the verification is for the benefit of clients. So they can feel comfortable that the person in the photo is who they will be seeing when the door is opened.

Generally we verify a face and body shot.

You will need to be in shorts and a tank top.


Verifying your photos is easy and quick but will require you to verify your identity.

Take a selfie while holding up a piece of paper with your username written on it. The Selfie should show clearly show your body shape and face so we can compare to the ones on your profile.

Contact us via our support page if you have any questions.

Note: Not all photos can be effectively verified. The final decision is left up to our support team

I'm a Masseur and my free trial ended. How do I get a paid subscription?

We accept online payments via Stripe

Most Credit Cards are accepted along with G-Pay and Apple Pay

1. See the different advertising levels and features here:

Let us know if you have any questions
Can I upload nude photos?


No. Nude images violates our terms and conditions and your photos will be removed.

Repeat offenses may see your profile banned.

What are the image types and size limits for uploading photos.

JPG,JPEG, PNG or GIF format is required and file size up to 4MB.

I've subscribed to massageguys, but now I want to finish my profile. Where do I go?

Log In.

From the welcome page click the menu link from the red menu bar

From here yo can edit all aspects of your subscription and profile.

Is there a charge or fee to sign up?

There is a charge to be a Masseur.

Site Users can join for free.

I want to find a Masseur. Will I have to pay to use this website?


'Clients' will never pay.

However to write testimonials or keep a favourties list you will need to sign up as a site user.

How do I pause my profile while i am on vacation?

Log In.

From the welcome page click the menu link in the red menu bar

From the drop down panel click on 'Subscription'.

Then select 'Pause'.

Choose the number of days to pause and click ok.


How do I hide my age on my profile page?

Log In.

From the welcome page click the menu link in the red menu bar

Click account > settings

Check or uncheck the age option to show/hide your age from site visitors.

How do I hide my phone number on my profile page?

Log In.

From the welcome page click the menu link in the red menu bar

Click account > settings

Check or uncheck the phone option to show/hide your phone number from site visitors.

My bank statement shows a payment to STEEL OATS MEDIA. What is this? is owned and operated by STEEL OATS MEDIA.

Your bank account may show payments to STEEL OATS or STEEL OATS MEDIA.

Does a masseur have to disclose his HIV status

All the masseurs on the site are strictly forbidden to advertise anything but therapeutic and sensual massage

They cannot advertise for any sexual service.

The services advertised on the site will not put you at risk of HIV.

If you agreed to and received a service that was outside the scope of what a masseur advertised on the site, then this is a private agreement between two consenting adults. Such an agreement no longer pertains to the services advertised on the site.

Both client and masseur should be aware of the laws of disclosure for thier state.

The site below may be useful in reviewing the laws of disclosure.
guide to HIV disclosure laws

Does a bodyworker/masseur need to be qualified to give massages in Australia.
According to the Australian Association of Massage Therapists, bodyworkers don't legally require any formal qualification to practice as a massage therapist.

Massage therapy is currently self-regulated in Australia. There is no Statute or Act that applies solely or specifically to the practise of massage. prevent and repair injury,rehabilitate and augment function.

AMT Code of Practice
What should do I do if a client or masseur did something illegal to me?

This may include things such as threatening violence, physical harm, rape, robbery, or any other illegal activity

Call the police immediately and report the offence. Also let us know of the situation as well, and supply a police report if you are able. We will work with local authorities in anyway we can.

As per our terms and conditions, we will suspend any offending masseurs' upon receiving a police report of an incident. Depending on the outcome of the incident this may be permanent.